Bus from Kaohsiung to Kenting

The bus from Kaohsiung to Kenting runs from HSR Zuoying (Kaohsiung) Station straight to Kenting, with stops in Dapengwan Bay (大鵬灣) and Hengchun (恆春).

The public bus is operated by the PT Bus (屏東客運) company, and from Zuoying to Kenting takes approx. 120 minutes for a fare of NT$650.

Discount tickets are available for reservation online, NT$550 for a roundtrip ticket between Kenting and Kaohsiung (KHH airport or Zuoying HSR station).

Shuttle bus service around the Kenting area is also available for discount reservation online, 1 day for NT$100, and 2 days for NT$150, including unlimited rides.

Ticket prices are as follows from HSR Zuoying:





Dapengwan Bay


Bus Route:

More information can be found on PT Bus (屏東客運) website.