Nantou Puli Visitor Information Center 埔里遊客中心

Nantou Puli Tourist Center (埔里遊客中心)
Nantou Puli Tourist Center (埔里遊客中心)
Puli Tourist Center
Pǔlǐ Yóukè Zhōngxīn
Why Should I Go?

The Puli Visitor Center is the main tourist information centre in the Puli city area. Visitors are welcome to rest here, and a small café is located next door.

The centre is located along route PH14, the main artery for the city of Puli. Continue straight past Puli to reach Qingjing Farm (清境農場), or turn right onto PH21 to reach Sun Moon Lake (日月潭).

How to Get There?

To reach Sun Moon Lake (日月潭), continue straight on PH14 then turn right onto PH21.