Qingjing Guanshan Pasture (觀山牧區)

Qingjing Guanshan Pasture 觀山牧區, Guan Shan Pastoral Area

Guanshan Pastoral Areas
Guānshān Mùqū
Why Should I Go?

Located in the southern section of Qingjing Farm next to the visitor centre, the Guanshan Pasture is an open farm area where visitors can view and interact with farm animals such as sheep, cows, and ponies.

This wide expanse of grassland against the backdrop of the mountain peaks and Hehuan Mountain provides amazing scenery.

The Horsemanship Show Stage (馬術秀場) is located to the west of the pasture, and has multiple shows daily.

Just south of the main pasture area is the Great Nature Theater Ecological Area where visitors can learn about the ecology of the area. Videos are shown throughout the day.

Trail #7, the Guanshan Trail, leads from the end of Trail #6, the 487-Step Trail, past the horse show stage through the Guanshan Pasture area and windmills to the Guanshan Ticket Booth, after which is a large area full of restaurants and xiaochi snacks. This refreshment area separates the north and south section of the farm.

Inside Shoushan Park is a large statue of Chiang Kai-shek, ex-president of the Republic of China.

How to Get There?

Guanshan Pasture is located inside Qingjing Farm along road PH14a in Nantou County.

As the pasture is located in the southern section of the farm, to reach the Guanshan Pasture area, walk north on Trail #6 from the travel service centre, or south from Green Green Grasslands.