Taroko National Park East Entrance Arch Gate (東西橫貫公路牌坊)

Taroko National Park East Entrance Arch Gate 東西橫貫公路牌坊

Taroko East Gate
Dōngxī Héngguàn Gōnglù Páifāng
Why Should I Go?

Officially the gate to the Central Cross-Island Highway (located along road PH8), this is the first site visitors will encounter when entering Taroko National Park.

The Taroko National Park Headquarters and Visitor Center (太魯閣國家公園管理處) is located across the bridge to the right, while Taroko proper is located beyond this gate.

The area before the gate is busy with shops and hawker carts selling snacks and beverages. Make sure to stock up on snacks and refreshments for the day, considering the limited availability of shops once entering the park.

How to Get There?

If visiting as a day trip, Xincheng Taroko Station is recommended for its proximity to the park's eastern entrance and visitor centre.